

澳大利亚昆士兰大学余承中教授应顾老师邀请,于本月17号来实验室做学术报告,报告题目Designer Nano-materials for Healthcare Applications。




Designer Nano-materials for Healthcare Applications

Presenter:Prof Chengzhong Yu
                Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
                The University of Queensland
                Contact: c.yu@uq.edu.au


Prof. Yu is a chemist and materials scientist in functional nanostructured composites and their applications. Since 2000, he has published ~ 200 peer-reviewed journal articles, which have been cited over 9900 times and resulted in an H-index of 52. Since he joined The University of Queensland in 2010, he has attracted 5 DP, 2 LIFF, 1 Future Fellowship and 2 Linkage from the Australian Research Council, 1 grant from the Cancer Council of Queensland, 1 Queensland Research Partnership Project. He has developed broad industrial collaborations to extend the applications of functional materials in a real world. He has received several awards including the Le Févre Memorial Prize (The Australian Academy of Sciences), the IUPAC Distinguished Award for Novel Materials and their Synthesis, and the Second prize of the National Science Award of China (Ranked 3/5).

In this talk he will summarise the latest progresses in his group on the designed synthesis of functional nano-materials and their applications, with a focus on drug delivery for improved healthcare.